
Impactful Internal Audit in a Changing World

IIA Indonesia will again hold the National Conference offline in 2022. Bali is the right choice in holding this 2 (two) day conference after the previous 2 years it was held online. IIA Indonesia, is part of IIA, the leading body representing internal auditors globally with more than 200,000 members in over 170 countries.

2022 IIA Indonesia National Conference is the premier event for internal auditors who want to hear powerful keynote speakers and international presenters representing the global internal audit profession. Attendees are presented with a number of concurrent sessions on today’s current issues and trends, industry best practices seeking to address common challenges, and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

The 2022 National Conference conveys the theme "Impactful Internal Audit In A Changing World". In a rapidly changing landscape, internal audit needs to demonstrate an agility, integration, transparency, and prognostic approach that together prove its sustainable value to stakeholders. Internal auditors need to have the readiness and resilience in supporting the business world and government based on good governance.

This conference will prepare professionals to face global challenges, digital-driven economic transformation, and energy transition as well as embrace and learn new technologies and apply new techniques to effectively respond to shifting business landscapes and risks while upholding good ethics.

Programs Schedule

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  • 13:00 - 20:00



  • 07:30 - 08:30



  • 08:30 - 09:00

    Opening Ceremony

  • 09:00 - 09:20

    Opening Speech

    Angela Simatupang, CIA, CRMA / President The Institute of Internal Auditors Indonesia

  • 09:20 - 09:30

    Welcoming Speech

    I Wayan Koster / Gubernur Bali

  • 09:30 - 09:35

    Welcoming Note

    Anthony J. Pugliese / President and CEO of The Institute of Internal Auditors

  • 10:00 - 10:30

    Keynote Speech 1 :

    Indonesia's Role and Readiness in Facing Global Health Challenges, Digital-Based Economic Transformation, and Energy Transition

    Indonesia's G20 presidency views the need for joint concrete steps in three priority areas, namely the global health architecture, digital economic transformation and energy transition in the context of a sustainable global recovery.

    How to strengthen the global health architecture to deal with the current pandemic and prepare for future health crises; digital transformation efforts that must be carried out considering the pandemic period has accelerated the use of digital technology in all economic and social sectors; and transformation steps to support the development of renewable energy.

    Why are these three things a priority in the G20 presidency? what is the expected role of society in supporting them? and what have been - and to be - done by Indonesia on those things?

    Dr. (HC) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, MBA, MMT / Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Indonesia

  • 10:30 - 11:00

    Keynote Speech 2 :

    The Role of BPK in Increasing Public Trust in Government Accountability

    In Law Number 15 of 2006 concerning the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) it is stated that the BPK is in charge of examining the management and responsibilities of state finances carried out by the Central Government, Regional Governments, other State Institutions, Bank Indonesia, State-Owned Enterprises, Public Service Agency, Regional Owned Enterprises, and other institutions or bodies that manage state finances.

    As the Board serves as a government financial accountability examiner, the influence of leadership, planning, and ongoing implementation are key practices for successfully addressing high-risk areas. In addition, identifying high-risk lists of government programs and operations that are vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement, or require broad reform or transformation can help improve government services to the public and increase trust in government.

    BPK as a trusted audit board that plays an active role in fostering state finances with quality and useful financial governance to achieve state goals is the most knowledgeable institution that can share key practices and significant improvements needed to reduce this high risk.

    How does BPK play a role and encourage increased confidence in government financial accountability, especially in the national economic recovery?

    Dr. Isma Yatun, CSFA., CFrA* / Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia

  • 11:00 - 12:00

    Panel Discussion 1 :

    IPPF Evolution

    Internal auditors help organizations confront challenges by providing timely and objective assurance, advice, and insight, using the standards and guidance of The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF).

    Today’s rapidly evolving global landscape demands that the IPPF change to better serve internal auditors, organizations, and stakeholders worldwide. As a result, the International Internal Audit Standards Board (IIASB) of The IIA kicked off the IPPF Evolution Project to update and streamline the framework and the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

    The IPPF evolution project aims to:
    • Simplify the structure of the IPPF.
    • Clarify and align all elements.
    • Ensure that the Standards and Guidance are timely, practical, and applicable and address emerging topics.
    • Communicate and advocate the Standards to not only internal auditors but also stakeholders and regulators.
    • Enhance internal audit performance and quality and preserve and enhance organizational value.

    Farah George Araj, CIA, QIAL / Member of International Internal Audit Standards Board, IIA Global

    Hajime Yoshitake, CIA, CCSA, CFSA, CRMA / Member of International Internal Audit Standards Board, IIA Global

    Angela I Simatupang, CIA, CRMA / Member of International Internal Audit Standards Board, IIA Global

  • 13:30 - 15:00

    Panel Discussion 2:

    Environment, Social and Governance – Does ESG Matters?

    According to Bloomberg Intelligence (2021), the value of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) assets is predicted to reach $53 trillion, or almost 33%, of all assets managed globally by 2025.

    Investors are increasingly using ESG approaches into investment choices. Financial markets may play a crucial role in determining the net benefits and providing the necessary surveillance and verification to allow a smooth transition to net zero.

    Thorough due diligence efforts require an audit of how an acquirer or acquiree meets certain ESG standards. ESG audits will also matter when raising capital; debt-rating agencies and investors require this additional data, too.

    How should corporations navigate the ever-changing landscape of ESG? How should internal auditors contribute?

    Riki Frindos / Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KEHATI

    Tanah Sullivan / Head of Sustainability GoTo Group

  • 15:30 - 16:00

    Internal Audit 4.0: Purpose Driven, Digitally Powered

    Brian Indradjaja / Indonesia Risk Advisory Country Leader Deloitte

  • 16:00 - 16:30

    Auditing While You Sleep

    Risks doesn’t sleep but it doesn’t mean that auditors should not sleep too. In fact, technology and digitalisation has transformed many organisations including internal auditing to automate areas in their audit lifecycle that lets them audit while they “sleep” and focus on more relevant risks. In this topic, internal auditors will be introduced to new ways of conducting more audits in less time using automation and dynamic workflows, eliminating repetitive tasks and duplication and continuous auditing among others.

    Dusk Lim / Head of Enterprise Business Diligent

  • 18:45 - 21:30

    Gala Dinner

    Ballroom, Four Points Hotel

    Special Performance: Pongki Barata and The Dangerous Band

  • 07:30 - 08:30



  • 08:30 - 09:00

    Keynote Speech 3 :

    The Role of BPKP in Overseeing the Resilience and Competitiveness of the Indonesian Economy

    The government targets Indonesia's economic growth in 2023 to reach 5.3 percent. That was conveyed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, in his speech on Submission of Government Information on the Draft Law (RUU) on the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and its Financial Notes in front of the DPR RI Plenary Meeting.

    The President said that the growth rate based on consideration of the current dynamics of the national economy, the development agendas to be achieved, and the potential risks and challenges faced. Indonesia's economic recovery is in a steadily strengthening trend, growing 5.01 percent in the first quarter and significantly strengthening to 5.44 percent in the second quarter of 2022.

    Behind that, BPKP as the President's internal auditor must have a strategic role in overseeing the accountability of state finances and the dynamics of the national economy as well as the potential risks that will be faced by this country, ranging from economic resilience and competitiveness programs, government revenues, and expenditures, education, health, to social assistance.

    In this session, several importants notes from BPKP that need to be considered related to achievements, strategies, and challenges in the supervision of state/regional finance and national development, especially in guarding the resilience and competitiveness of the Indonesian economy include the National Monitoring Priority Agenda.

    Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Ateh, Ak., M.B.A. CSFA, CGCAE / Kepala Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP)

  • 09:00 - 10:00

    Panel Discussion 3:

    Ethics and Compliance: Challenge for Company’s Future

    The code of ethics is a code of conduct consisting of norms, principles, values, and habits that must be carried out for every individual in the organization. The company's code of ethics is an integral part of the organizational culture.

    The purpose of implementing the company's code of ethics is as an ethical foundation in making decisions and acting in organizations that will shape ethical business practices.

    Ethical principles have evolved many times over since the days of the ancient Greek philosophers and have been repeatedly rethought (e.g., hedonism, utilitarianism, relativism, etc.). Today we live in a digital world, and most of our relationships have moved online to chats, email, online data, social media, and many other ways of online communication.

    Speakers in this session will share experiences on how to implement good corporate governance and the implementation of the company's code of ethics as a guide for all levels of management and employees in behaving, interacting and acting according to their rights and obligations to stakeholders in the environment that are connected digitally.

    Amien Sunaryadi / Komisaris Utama & Komisaris Independen PT PLN (Persero)

    Fransiska Oei / Direktur Kepatuhan, Corporate Affairs & Legal PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk

    Farah George Araj, CIA, QIAL / Audit & Risk Leader, Westpac Australia

    Hajime Yoshitake, CIA, CCSA, CFSA, CRMA / Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd

  • 10:30 - 12:00

    Panel Discussion 4:

    Internal Auditing in Public Sector – Challenges and Innovation in Internal Audit in Public Sector

    The role of government's internal auditors as trusted advisors and agents of change in public sector organizations encourages internal auditors to improve their competence and accelerate their achievements to provide input/recommendations and insights that can increase organizational value.

    In addition, changes and demands in meeting stakeholder demands in the digital world, strengthening governance, risk management, and compliance with regulations make the government's internal auditors need to develop innovative approaches and methods.

    The panelists in this session will discuss:
    ● What are the focus and criticisms on public sector internal auditor? What is the future of public sector internal auditor?
    ● How Internal Audit in public sector being developed.
    ● How the use of digital technologies in Public Sector auditing will help auditor to solve the problems and add value to auditee.

    Awan Nurmawan Nuh, S.E., Ak., M.B.T / Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan RI

    Prof. Akhmad Syakhroza, Ph.D. / Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian ESDM

    Drs. Masrokhan, MPA., CGCAE / Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Perindustrian

  • 13:30 - 15:30

    Panel Discussion 5:

    Fraud in Digital Ecosystem – Fighting Fraud in a Digital Ecosystem

    As we move towards a digital, real-time, and cashless society, what are the impacts of payments digitalisation on customer behaviour and financial crime?

    Digitalisation has brought a lot of new opportunities to the ecosystem. It has introduced new players such as neobanks into the mix. It has also influenced traditional banks to innovate upon their services while providing opportunities for companies to provide solutions compliant with banking regulations in their respective markets.

    Digitalisation has also widened the threat landscape related to financial crime. It has provided organised crime and cybercriminals with increased opportunities to prey on every digital consumer. There is an enhanced risk of identity theft and online fraud in the digital space. If not managed correctly, these online risks can erode trust which can prevent a smoother transition to digitalisation, especially in emerging markets.

    Radhi Juniantino / Director of Business Improvement & Risk Management Grab Indonesia

    Deni Ratno Tama / Managing Director, Forensic Investigations & Intelligence Kroll

    Wani Sabu / Executive Vice President Center of Digital, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk

  • 15:30 - 16:15

    Momentum Indonesia di 2024

    Dr. Hendri Budi Satrio / Analis Komunikasi Politik & Founder LS KedaiKOPI.co

  • 16:15

    Closing Speech by Chair of Conference

    Muhamad Panjiwinata


6500K Rp.


8000K Rp.


4000K Rp.


S1 Students / Full-time Lectures
6000K Rp.


(min. 5 person)


2022 IIA Indonesia National Conference Day-1 Highlights

2022 IIA Indonesia National Conference Day-2 Highlights

2022 IIA Indonesia National Conference Day-2 Highlights

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