14.00 - 17.00 : Registration Open at Tentrem Hotel, Jogjakarta |
07.30 - 08.30 : Registration |
08.30 - 08.35 : Welcome Speech: President of IIA Indonesia, Hari Setianto |
08.35 - 09.00 : Opening Speech
Sultan of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, Sri Sultan Hamengkubawana X |
09.00 - 10.00 : Keynotes - I : Strengthening and Promoting Sound Financial System with Contribution from Internal Audit 
Mardiasmo - Vice Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia - K1 |
10.00 - 10.30 : Coffee Break and Exhibition Viewing |
10.30 -12.00 : Panel 1 -
Nurturing Strong Culture in Challenging Time  |
Phil Tarling - Past Chairman of the Board, The IIA Global | Ridwan Kamil - Mayor, Bandung | Dwi Soetjipto - President Director,PT Pertamina (Persero) | Budi Sadikin - President Director, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - P1 |
Moderator: Angela Simatupang |
12.00 - 13.00 : Lunch and Exhibition Viewing |
13.00 - 14.00 : Concurrent Sessions - Track 1 |
COSO 2013: Translating Principles into Action (ie.ICEFR)** -
Angela Simatupang,
(Partner, RSM AAJ, Governors IIA Indonesia)
Being Risk 'Intelligent' - Finding Strategic Opportunities in Risk*
- Naohiro Mouri
(Senior Vice President, CAE, AIG Japan) T1B
Positioned for Success: Shaping the Future of Internal Auditors*
G�nther Meggeneder
(SVP Internal Audit at ISTA Germany, Past Chairman of The IIA Global) T1C  |
14.00 - 15.00 : Concurrent Sessions - Track 2 |
Revisiting Combine Assurance Implementation*
- John Edward Arkosi (Group Head�Group Compliance and Group Corporate Assurance, Sime Darby Malaysia) T2A
Using Big Data to Explore New Opportunities** -
Fandhy H Siregar
(SVP of IT Governance & RM, Commonwealth Bank)
Mitigating Risk: Cyber Resiliences** -
Isnaeni Achdiat
(Partner, EY Indonesia) T2C
15.00 - 15.30 : Coffee Break and Exhibition Viewing |
15.30 -17.00 : Panel 2 - State of Internal Auditing in Asia  |
Ardan Adiperdana - Chairman of Indonesia Finance and Development Supervisory Board | Ilya Avianti - Members of the Board of Commissioner/Chairman of the Board of Audit, FSA | Tan Sri Haji Amrin bin Haji Buang - Auditor General of Malaysia | Naohiro Mouri - Senior Vice President, CAE, AIG Japan - P2 |
Moderator: Hari Setianto |
19.00 - 22.00 : Gala Dinner & Cultural Program |
09.00 - 10.00 : Keynotes - II : Internal Auditors as the Leading Voices of Governance 
Phil Tarling - Past Chairman of the Board, The IIA Global - K2 |
10.00 - 10.30 : Coffee Break and Exhibition Viewing |
10.30 -12.00 : Panel 3A - Leading Practices in Integrated Reporting*  |
Phil Tarling - Past Chairman of the Board, The IIA Global | Grant Patterson - IIRC Singapore | G�nther Meggeneder - SVP Internal Audit at ISTA Germany, Past Chairman of The IIA Global - P3A |
Moderator: Restiana L |
10.30 -12.00 : Panel 3B - Internal Audit Competency Models in the Public Sectors: Towards Capability Level 3 in 2019**  |
Maliki Heru Santosa - Inspector General at the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia | Crist Kuntadi - Inspector General at the Ministry of Transportation of the RI | Daryanto - Inspector General at the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RI | Slamet Sudarsono - Primary Inspector at the Ministry of The Ministry of Planning and National Development /Head of BAPPENAS of the RI | Anda Fauzi Mirasa - Inspector General at the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries of the RI - P3B |
Moderator: Revoldi S |
13.00 - 14.00 : Concurrent Sessions - Track 3 |
The Critical Role of the 3rd Line of Defense in Our Organisation* -
Suthipong Wattananuchit
(Assistant Chief Executive Officer�Corporate Services at Banpu Co Ltd Thailand, Commissioner PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk)
T3A  |
Marketing Your Internal Audit Function** -
Restiana Linggadjaya, MM, CIA, CRMA
(CAE, Bank CIMB Niaga) T3B  |
14.00 - 15.00 : Concurrent Sessions - Track 4 |
Convergence of Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Auditors Risks Assessment* -
Shagen Ganason
(Manager Risk & Assurance at Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry of Maori Development)
T4A  |
Role of Internal Audit in Conglomerated Financial Services** -
J. Sindu Adisuwono
(CAE, Bank BCA) T4B  |
15.00 - 15.15 : Coffee Break and Exhibition Viewing |
15.15 - 16.15 : Keynotes - III : FSA Integrity Strengthening Year: Role of Internal Audit in Combined Assurance
Ilya Avianti - Member of the Board of Commissioner/Chairman of The Board of Audit � FSA/OJK - K3  |
16.15 - 17.15 : Special Motivational Speech:
Delivering for the Community: �Passion-Purpose-Value�

Datuk Tahir | Destri Damayanti - SS |
Moderator: Angela Simatupang |
17.15 - 17.25 : Closing Speech |
*session will be delivered in English
**session will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia
Synopsis |